Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Recap

I'm sitting in the airport in El Paso, TX. My sister's to my left. My backpack to my right. You guys, this was the longest short trip I've ever taken.

Let's start with the fact that this all began on Friday at 6am and is just now ending and I've had about 5 hours total to sit and do nothing. During which, I got sick. Now I'm better... my body knows I won't take that "sick" shit!!

Is it crazy that we drove to Durango, Colorado to visit my dad (a 6 1/2 hour drive) on the 23rd then drove back to NM the next day? I'm asking cuz I'm not sure. It felt crazy to me!

Oh but let me first say that I got some sweet gifts for Christmas. A new camera. Yay! It's cute and little and we call her Jolene. I also got the Paul Simon box set. Hooray! I got a subscription to Paste magazine from my awes sis and my fave perfume from L'Occitane. What a swell. Good gift year.

Hey guys guess how awesome Wal Mart is? SO AWESOME. I went in there for stemware for my ex step-dad and came out with 6 DVDs @ under $5 each. Come on! And they're not crap either. Check this out...

1. Beverly Hills Cop
2. Chris Rock Bigger and Blacker
3. Coming to America
4. Strange Brew
5. Risky Business
6. Sunset Boulevard

Tell me I didn't score. Just try it.

Picture this: It's Christmas Eve. My sister and I are like, "yo, we're gonna go watch Chris Rock in my bedroom." My mom goes, "watch it out here! we want to see it! we're cool!" No doubt do I think they are cool... my mom is very liberal. But do I want to watch CR drop the N bomb all over their living room on Christmas Eve? Notasomuch. Yeah, we totally watched it. It was fine until he started talking about licking balls. Then it was just too much for them. Maybe they'll listen to me next time. But I doubt it.

While in Durango I ran into a TON of people I went to high school with. Here are a few things you don't plan on. 1. Not remembering people's names. 2. Feeling like you're back in high school isn't my favorite feeling. 3. You get drunk a lot faster at 6,000 feet. (that last one only pertains to me)

Kelsey and I stayed out till about 2:30 on Saturday night in Durango. We then got up at 7am, went to breakfast and then drove the 6 1/2 hours back to Las Crucas, NM. Are we crazy? It might seem that way. It just might.

I also go to meet my friend Heidi's new baby Adwyn. What a HAPPY AND AWESOME BABY! Seriously. And it's amazing seeing Heidi as a mom. So at ease. So comfortable. It's just like it's meant to be, you know?

And it's making me think more about marriage... kids. Do I want that shit? Really? I don't know, dudes. The more I think about it the more I think I just want to make a shit load of money doing my own thing and have a bunch of cats. Right? You with me, NY ladies? No? Ok it's just me and you, kitties.

I paid $7 for this internet connection. I'm typing until my flight boards, bitches.

So let's recap here:

Friday 6am - wake up, get ready, leave for airport
10am - fly out of NY
1:30pm - arrive in El Paso
2:00pm - Picked up and driven back to Las Crucas
8:00pm - pass out from exhaustion
Saturday 5am - wake up, drive to Durango
1:30pm - arrive in Durango, lunch with Dad
5:00pm - dinner with ex step-dad
8:00pm - meet up with friends at Joel's
2:30am - home to bed
Sunday 7am - wake up, breakfast with friends (that's 5 hrs of sleep after a night of drinking... if you're keeping track)
10:30am - drive back to Las Crucas
5:30pm - arrive in LC
8:30pm - bed
Monday 9am - wake up
9:30 - open gifts
9:00pm - bed
Tuesday 7:30am - wake up


Our flight is boarding. We have to go. This trip ended with my mom not speaking to us. We're not sure why.



Glennis (& Kelsey)

1 comment:

Wesley Verhoeve said...

you totally scored. man i love shopping outside of nyc haha
