Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Is it gross to call myself Mama?


I am back you guys. Back in the swing of things, feeling much better, life goes on, obla di, blah blah blah!

I am single now. Isn't that scary and crazy? It is. But also, amazing. And sad and silly and sometimes I can't even wrap my mind around it. Because sometimes you want things to work so badly you'll do ANYTHING to make them work. And sometimes that's not a good thing. But I still love my ex so much, I just realize now that I love myself... too? more? period? And what's better than that? NOTHING. I AM SO OPRAH!

I keep having all these epiphanies lately. And I'm realizing that I have ignored myself to pay attention to guys for way too long. Two long relationships where I completely ignored myself until it got to the point where I could take no more. And now I'm ready to get with myself. Is that gross? I don't care! I need to take care of me. And ladies, read this now and BELIEVE IT... you will never ever EVER EVER EVER change a man. EVER. I heard it and never believed it. But it's true. They are who they are and they TELL you who they are the minute you meet them. So if you're with someone and you're saying, "Oh just a little bit more of putting up with this BS and then he'll be the perfect guy!" STOP RIGHT THERE.

I'm not saying those guys are BAD guys at all! Just... if you feel like you're losing yourself to accomodate someone else's needs... maybe think twice about the relationship.

Also, I'll say it again: therapy is amazing.

So enough about my ridiculous love for myself and life and all that stuff.

Just remember who's most important in your life. And take care of that person. Because honestly, it's gonna catch up with you. Maybe not now, and maybe not in 10 years, but it will catch up with you and you'll regret it.

Bottom line: YOU ARE AWESOME and if you don't think you are, then you're WRONG!


Sarah said...

..... who needs therapy when you read a blog like that. I feel better about myself already.

Sarah said...

Wait, that didn't come out right, it makes it sound like I feel better about myself and am thereby putting you down and that's not how I meant that. I meant what you had to say was very uplifting. Thank you. Girl Power.

Glennis McMurray said...

Know why? Because you're AWESOME. That's why!!

Someone is going to punch me if I'm too chipper. I better get a face mask.

Glennis McMurray said...

oh I got what you meant : )

Anonymous said...

Hurray! I heart therapy too.

Have you heard about Ellen!?!?

- Spencer, Kate

Anonymous said...

KBGM my friend - KGBM!!!!!

I dunno why but your blog today points me right back at that very moment.....KBGM! Remember it????

Glennis McMurray said...

Nope, haven't heard anything from Ellen yet but I'm starting to get disheartened because her new season starts Sept 10th... or somewhere around there. Oy!

Glennis McMurray said...

KIRBY! Kind Bud Green Mountain FOREVER!

Dan Dickinson said...

Excellent post (and what did I tell you about being awesome?!), but I do want to make one small guy-comment here...

It certainly is not possible to change a man, or a woman, but it is possible to *suggest* change. People can only change themselves, for better or worse - all you can do is kindly nudge them a little and hope they go the rest of the way. Horses and water and all that.

And definitely never compromise yourself for others. That's crazy talk!

Anonymous said...

Oh Glennis what a great blog. I heart you. Looking forward to chillin' wit ya this week.

Megan said...

glennis: i love you! i want to drink margaritas with you before the summer ends!

Glennis McMurray said...

Megan! We DO need margaritas! I'm going to set that shit up right now!!

Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!!!!

geoff hmarks said...

Margaritas are the best therapy.

We are gonna be the best roommates EVER!