You guys...
I love it. I love every piece of shitty pop shit that shits out of the shitter. And here's the thing, I don't think it's shit. I think it's awesome. All of it. Kelly Clarkson (well duhvs), Britney, Justin, Fergie, JoJo... I don't care who it is. If it's pop and it's music I want to hear it!
There's something that pop music clicks with in my brain. Those overproduced sounds just get me. Yano?
I'm not even going to go into the "indie" bands I might like or how I know this or that about Johnny Cash. That would give me street cred and honestly, I'm not interested in looking cool. I'm not ashamed. Just like my post about loving Kelly Clarkson oh so many months ago (and would I be wrong in saying I was the first to publicly admit that and that after doing so you all felt free to come out of the KC closet? The Kelly Clarset, if you will. And you won't.)
I'm pretty sure the only pop music I won't get on board with is Paris and that's just because I feel like if I were to meet her and Scott Storch, her producer, in a dark ally they'd corner me, call me fat and throw pigs blood on me. I swore only to let my boyfriends do that, thank you very much!
The other day I was talking to a friend about how much I love the new JTimberlake CD. I said it without even thinking anyone would scoff at me. And someone did. I looked over and immediately said, "Justin is awesome!" And after stating my case so eloquently, he agreed that he was "a kinda talented dude."
I think the thing with pop music is, as Eliza stated so perfectly yesterday, you tell yourself you are supposed to hate this stuff. When really, it's impossible to hate most pop music. I really think that if you listen to a pop song, no matter how terrible it might be (and I do believe Fergie's CD is terrible and is making Liz die a little inside when having to listen & review it) there's something about it that is innately enjoyable. You just can't help it! So just give IN people. Realize you are going to eventually like every song Britney puts out (haha, Britney puts out. I'm 12.) and that the new Brooke Hogan song will be your father-daughter dance.
Trust me. The sooner you give in, the better. Pretty soon even your favorite indie artists will realize they need to make money (*cough* Liz Phair *cough*) and in order to do so will sell their souls to pop.
Besides... it's fun to dance to!
So what's the most shameful pop song on YOUR ipod? (Seriously, I want to know)
First let me say that I am impressed you were up at 5:17 writing this entry.
Secondly, on to the question. I am not "hip" to the pop music scene. Perhaps it's the fact that I don't watch television and just aren't exposed to mainstream pop-culture. That being said, I do enjoy pop music when I hear it. Although my roots are definitely in the Alternative/Indie arena, a good computerized pitch corrected harmony does send a polite shiver down my spine.
Thirdly, wow, I'm already at thirdly, my guilty pleasure on my iPod would be Imogen Heap's Speak for Yourself. It's full of pop sensibilities, but still maintains some of my indie street cred. Unfortunately most of the mainstream pop is geared towards women, and as a straight guy it just doesn't appeal to me.
Fourthly, good luck on the everyday writing thing.
1. I don't own an Ipod.
2. I'm not ashamed of any music I own. Not even my "gay girl dance party music."
3. But if I had to choose, I would say the most shameful piece of music I own is Amy Grant's album with "Baby Baby" on it. And that isn't even on cd. It's a tape.
4. So, I guess the most shameful thing... is that I don't even own an Ipod.
I will NEVER be ashamed of loving Kelly Clarkson. One of the best concerts I've ever been to.
Me too. LOVE THE KC!
I have no shame when it comes to pop music...
I mean, I DID put Michael Bolton's "How Can We Be Lovers If We Can't Be Friends" on my DDPP playlist.
Spandau Ballet.
"One Week" by Barenaked Ladies.
"I Hope You Dance" by Leanne Womack
"Out of My Head" by Fastball
My iPod reads like it belongs to both an aging Drag Queen, (Abba,showtunes) and a perky teen, (KClarkson, Pink, Shanaia Twain, Katrina and the Waves.)
Um, I kinda like "London Bridge" by Fergie. OK, FINE. I more than kinda like! It on my iPod!
Congrats on the job!
Also, I was about to write a post on a similar subject... TKASAP.
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