You guys I totally just signed up for DJ school for real! I am going to be the best DJ ever right?! I think I'm going to have a DJ alter ego. Kind of like Beyonce. Her alter ego is Sasha. She goes into "Sasha" mode on stage so she can be all sexy and bootylicous and a hot mama. So I'm going to have an alter ego and I'm not sure if she's going to be a funky fresh DJ a la Beastie Boys or a sexy DJ a la Gwen Stefani or a cute and sweet but still kick-ass DJ a la Hello Kitty. I mean who really knows. I could show up with a dinosaur mask on wearing diapers and as long as I tear up that dance floor people will love me.
I signed up for acting classes to learn "method" acting and I quit them. I don't want to do that. I didn't even start the classes yet but I know I'll hate it. It's not me. DJing? Well even if it's not "me" it's going to be so fun I know I'll like it.
Now I'm off to do laundry because it's been oh... I don't know... 4 weeks? Hey don't judge... I sweat flowers.
I'm taking suggestions for DJ names. Right now the top runner is DJ! DJ! DJ! Because as we all know, I like titles
that repeat.
Good bye.
DJ (fill in the blank)
I think DJ (fill in the blank) is a good name. You should keep that. You could gangsta-rize it and spell it "DJ Phillinthablanc."
Hmmm... I do love to gangsta-rize things!
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